How to Identify a Rooster from a Hen

Wondering how to identify a rooster from a hen, or better put, tell the difference between male and female chickens? While it's hard to tell young chicks apart, by the time they are about 5 to 8 weeks old, you can usually distinguish between cockerels (males) and pullets (females).

Full-grown chickens -- roosters and hens -- are very easy to identify. Here's how.


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      Compare the chickens you are trying to identify. Look at their combs, the red flesh atop their heads. Roosters have larger, fuller combs while young hens will have small, lighter combs. Older hens have small combs compared to the roosters, although they are sometimes almost as dark.

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      Note their feathers, as roosters and hens of the same breed will look different -- roosters usually have more color on their wings and tail feathers than same-breed hens. Roosters also have more impressive tail feathers than the girls.

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      Check out the poultry physique -- roosters have longer necks and larger bodies than the hens. Their legs are stockier and longer as well.

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      Listen for the tell-tale crowing characteristic of male chickens. The females may cackle after laying eggs, or cluck throughout the day, but only the rooster crows.