Rabbit Stroke Symptoms

Trying to figure out what the problem is with your favorite pet can be a little daunting--especially if your pet happens to be a rabbit, and you're imagining the worst. But don't worry! Th symptoms of rabbit stroke are easy to spot.
  1. Head Tilt

    • The most noticeable sign of stroke in rabbits is head tilt or a drooping of the head. Head tilt is easy to spot as it often looks like the rabbit is laying its head on its shoulder.


    • Because of lack of muscle coordination and some droopiness in the face, rabbits who have had a stroke often drool.


    • A rabbit who has had a stroke may have problems focusing one or both eyes to look at you. Muscular issues behind the eye keep rabbit stroke victims from being able to control eye movement.


    • If your rabbit has had a stroke, he may not move normally, favoring one side of his body more than the other. Because of this, your rabbit may even move in circles after a stroke.


    • Like in humans, stroke in a rabbit can result in paralysis. Usually, only one side of the body will be paralyzed, and this symptom is initially most notable in the rabbit's face as that area of the body normally shows the most obvious signs, such as lack of facial muscular movement.