How to Raise Pigs

Have you ever wanted to try your hand at farming? My husband and I have been raising pigs on our farm for some time. We decided to do this because we are trying to raise our son to be self sufficient and responsible. We got tired of the hormones and preservatives in store bought food and have chosen to grow our own everything. We raise cows, chickens and pigs as well as having a large garden. Whatever your reason for being interested in raising pigs I hope these guidelines will help you succeed as well as we have.

Things You'll Need

  • small shelter, barn
  • pig feed
  • baby pigs
  • hay and or sawdust
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      The first thing you will need to do is make sure you have a shelter for your pigs. It has to be big enough for them to move around when they get big. Our barn is about 10' x 12' for the pigs. You need a food troth, a bedding area and a place for them to go to the bathroom.

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      You will need about 700 pounds of food per pig to raise them to about 200 pounds. We get pig grower pellets until they are about 150 pounds and then we switch to finisher.

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      Now for your piglets. Be sure you get them from a reputable farmer. The pen and pigs should be clean when you go to choose them. I personally like long pigs better than short pigs because you get more bacon and pork chops per pig. I suggest raising at least two pigs at a time. They grow faster because there is competition for food.

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      Make sure to feed them properly. There are instructions on the feed bag. You can give fruits and vegetables to your pigs, but never give them meat. Make sure you give them plenty of water.

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      Finally be sure to clean the pens frequently and enjoy your new pets. Pigs are extremely intelligent and will do anything you teach them.