How to Care for Cattle

Caring for farm animals is fairly easy for those who choose to live the lifestyle.


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      Just like any other pet, farm animals require daily fresh water. A mature cow, bull or steer can consume up to 20 gallons a day. Avoid wasting water by installing an automatic watering system.

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      Cattle are ruminants, which means their stomachs that have four chambers. Hay and pasture make up most of their dietary needs. Grain is considered to be high in energy and it is not recommended to feed your healthy cattle grain. On average, the recommended feed required to maintain healthy cattle is about 2% of the animal's body weight in dry matter (hay) daily. You can also provide salt &mineral blocks for your cattle.

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      Your cattle's pasture needs to be good quality &plentiful because this is what provides a majority of your cattle's dietary needs. If you do not have enough pasture for grazing, you'll need to supplement with hay. Cattle, on average, need around two pounds of hay per 100 pounds of body weight daily. I recommend purchasing a hay feeder to help them avoid wasting hay while eating. It's also recommended you purchase some type of covering to keep the hay dry. Wet hay may lead to severe health problems. It's recommended to have 10 acres per cow, steer or bull.

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      Cattle are easy to halter train and by handling them daily by brushing them &getting them used to being touched, you'll get them used to being handled, which in turn will be less stressful to them for future necessary handling, such as veterinarian calls &hoof trimming.

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      Shelter for your cattle should be well ventilated and waterproof. A 3-sided shelter, known as a run-in shed, out in their fields is adequate. They'll require this so they can make the decision to get out of incliment weather.