How to Raise Buff Orpington Chickens

Buff Orpington chickens originated in Great Britain. They are considered dual-purpose birds, as they are prized for both their meat and eggs. A mature Buff Orpington will generally lay a large brown egg every 2 to 3 days all year 'round. They are considered a heavy breed: A mature Buff Orpington will weigh between 7 and 8-12 lbs. In this article, you will learn to select and raise a Buff Orpington chick.

Things You'll Need

  • Tub or child's pool
  • Bedding
  • Heat lamp
  • Infrared bulb
  • Water bowl
  • Feed
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      Purchase your Buff Orpington chick from a local co-operative, a breeder or a hatchery. If you are buying locally, there are several issues you want to observe regarding how the birds are kept. While chicks can be kept with other breeds, the adults should be separated by breed. The pen where the chicks are kept should be fairly clean and warm. The chick you select should be covered with feathers and be very active.

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      Secure an indoor or sheltered pen where you will keep your chick; it should have sides at least 12 inches high. I would recommend a child's pool or a rubber tub. Place the pen on a level surface and away from any drafts.

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      Cover the entire floor of the pen with bedding, about 1 inch deep. There are bedding products specifically designed for poultry, or you can use cedar shavings.

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      Procure a heat source for the baby chick. I would recommend using a heat lamp with a guard that separates the chick from the bulb. An infrared bulb is best, as it gives off the necessary heat without the intense light of a regular bulb. The heat lamp can be left on constantly.

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      Put out a water bowl with fresh water, and starter feed. Place the bowl and feed away from the heat lamp. They should also be separated from each other. You can mound the feed if you like, but it is not necessary, as the chick's natural instinct is to "scratch" through the bedding searching for food.