How to Raise Mules

Mules have long had a bad reputation as being lazy and stubborn, but we should respect these interesting half-horse/half-donkey creatures because they are smart, cautious and can't be forced to do anything they consider dangerous. We refer to people as "mule headed" when they don't co-operate with us. However, mules, lovingly referred to as "longears," are raised for work, trail rides, farm work, pack animals and even for racing, show and sale. Here's some suggestions for raising Jacks and Hinnys.


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      Know what a mule is. Understand that mules are not the same animal as a donkey, but a cross between a donkey and a horse. A "Mule" is sired by a female horse and male donkey ("Jack"), while the more unusual "Hinny" is sired by a male horse and a female donkey ("Jennet" or "Jenny").

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      Decide what type of mule you want to raise. They range from miniatures, saddle mules, pack or work mules, to draft or gaited mules.

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      Join the American Donkey &Mule Society. This society was established in 1967 and they provide referrals for breeders, book services, clip-art and a subscription to the Brayer, a publication that provides information and services for mules and donkeys.

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      Provide healthy nutrition for your mule. Mules should have access to fresh water every day and you should supplement grazing with grains, corn and wheat from the feed store. Your mules should graze in fields less cultivated than horses, or they can get sick.

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      Provide veterinarian care. Contact the vet for vaccinations and information on the care of your mule's hooves.

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      Provide shelter. Keep your mules in the barn or stable at night so they don't run away. Mules can jump high fences

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      Train your mules. They can be trained for saddle riding, cutting and roping and even racing if you are in the mule business for profit. Trained, gentle mules with good lineage don't sell for the same price as a thoroughbred horse, but can bring over $4,000.