- Amur Leopard: This is one of the most critically endangered big cats in the world, with only around 90 individuals estimated to be left in the wild. They inhabit the remote forests of Primorye region in the Russian Far East.
- Sumatran Elephant: Found in the island of Sumatra, the Sumatran elephant is under severe threat due to habitat loss, poaching for ivory, and conflicts with humans. They face critically low population numbers.
- Mountain Gorilla: Mountain gorillas are critically endangered apes found in the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, and Rwanda. Poaching, habitat destruction, and diseases have contributed to their vulnerable status.
- Hawksbill Turtle: This marine turtle species is critically endangered due to excessive exploitation of its shell for the production of luxury items. Poaching and habitat destruction also contribute to their population decline.
- Northern White Rhino: The northern white rhinoceros is functionally extinct, with only two individuals remaining in captivity. Poaching for their horns and habitat loss have driven this subspecies to the brink of extinction.
- Vaquita: The vaquita, a small porpoise found in the Gulf of California, is critically endangered. It faces high risk from illegal gillnet fishing intended to catch totoaba, another endangered species.
- South China Tiger: This subspecies of tiger is critically endangered, with possibly fewer than 10 individuals left in the wild. The main threats to their survival are habitat loss, fragmentation, and illegal hunting.
- Yangtze Finless Porpoise: Found only in the Yangtze River in China, the Yangtze finless porpoise is critically endangered due to habitat degradation, water pollution, and conflicts with human activities like fishing.
- Cross River Gorilla: Limited to a small region in Nigeria and Cameroon, the cross river gorilla is another critically endangered species. They face severe threats from poaching and habitat loss due to human activities.
- Great Indian Bustard: This large bird is endemic to India and faces high risk of extinction. Habitat loss, hunting, and collisions with power lines are among the primary reasons for their declining numbers.
These examples highlight just a fraction of the many animal species that are facing critical endangerment or have already gone extinct. Conservation efforts, strict enforcement of wildlife protection laws, and raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity are essential steps to prevent further extinctions and preserve our natural world.