What are the names of different animals?


* Aardvark

* Alpaca

* Armadillo

* Baboon

* Badger

* Bat

* Bear

* Beaver

* Bison

* Bobcat

* Buffalo

* Camel

* Capybara

* Cat

* Cattle

* Cheetah

* Chipmunk

* Chinchilla

* Coyote

* Deer

* Dog

* Dolphin

* Donkey

* Duck-billed platypus

* Elephant

* Elk

* Ferret

* Fox

* Giraffe

* Goat

* Gorilla

* Groundhog

* Guinea pig

* Hamster

* Hedgehog

* Hippopotamus

* Horse

* Hyena

* Jackal

* Jaguar

* Kangaroo

* Koala

* Leopard

* Lion

* Llama

* Manatee

* Marmot

* Meerkat

* Mink

* Mole

* Monkey

* Moose

* Mouse

* Musk ox

* Ocelot

* Opossum

* Orangutan

* Otter

* Ox

* Panda

* Pig

* Porcupine

* Prairie dog

* Rabbit

* Raccoon

* Rat

* Reindeer

* Rhinoceros

* Sable

* Sea lion

* Seal

* Sheep

* Shrew

* Skunk

* Sloth

* Squirrel

* Tiger

* Wallaby

* Walrus

* Weasel

* Whale

* Wolf

* Wolverine

* Zebra


* Albatross

* Auk

* Barn owl

* Bat falcon

* Bee-eater

* Bittern

* Blackbird

* Blue jay

* Bobolink

* Bobwhite

* Booby

* Bunting

* Buzzard

* Cardinal

* Cassowary

* Chachalaca

* Chickadee

* Chicken

* Chuck-will's-widow

* Condor

* Coot

* Cormorant

* Cowbird

* Crane

* Crow

* Cuckoo

* Curlew

* Dove

* Duck

* Eagle

* Egret

* Emu

* Falcon

* Finch

* Flamingo

* Flicker

* Flycatcher

* Fowl

* Frigatebird

* Gannet

* Godwit

* Goldfinch

* Goose

* Goshawk

* Grebe

* Grosbeak

* Grouse

* Gull

* Hawk

* Heron

* Hummingbird

* Ibis

* Jacana

* Jaeger

* Jay

* Junco

* Kingfisher

* Kite

* Kiwi

* Lark

* Loon

* Magpie

* Mallard

* Manakin

* Martin

* Meadowlark

* Merganser

* Mockingbird

* Moorhen

* Mousebird

* Murre

* Myna

* Nightjar

* Nuthatch

* Oriole

* Ostrich

* Ovenbird

* Owl

* Oystercatcher

* Parakeet

* Parrot

* Partridge

* Peacock

* Pelican

* Penguin

* Pheasant

* Phoebe

* Pigeon

* Pintail

* Pipit

* Plover

* Poorwill

* Puffin

* Ptarmigan

* Quail

* Raven

* Redpoll

* Redstart

* Robin

* Rook

* Ruff

* Sandpiper

* Sapsucker

* Scaup

* Scoter

* Screech owl

* Seagull

* Shearwater

* Shoebill

* Shrike

* Siskin

* Skimmer

* Skylark

* Snipe

* Snow bunting

* Solitaire

* Sora

* Sparrow

* Starling

* Stilt

* Stint

* Stonechat

* Stork

* Swallow

* Swan

* Swift

* Tanager

* Teal

* Tern

* Thick-knee

* Thrasher

* Thrush

* Tit

* Titmouse

* Toucan

* Towhee

* Tropicbird

* Turkey

* Turnstone

* Turtle dove

* Tyrant flycatcher

* Veery

* Vireo

* Vulture

* Warbler

* Waterfowl

* Waxwing

* Whip-poor-will

* Wigeon

* Woodcock

* Woodpecker

* Wren


* Albacore

* Anchovy

* Angelfish

* Barracuda

* Bass

* Bluefish

* Bonito

* Bream

* Butterfish

* Carp

* Catfish

* Cod

* Crappie

* Eel

* Flounder

* Grouper

* Haddock

* Hake

* Halibut

* Herring

* Jack

* Mackerel

* Mahi-mahi

* Marlin

* Minnow

* Monkfish

* Mullet

* Muskie

* Perch

* Pickerel

* Pike

* Plaice

* Pollock

* Pompano

* Pufferfish

* Redfish

* Rockfish

* Salmon

* Sardine

* Sea bass

* Sea bream

* Sea trout

* Shark

* Sheepshead

* Smelt

* Snapper

* Sole

* Swordfish

* Tilapia

* Trout

* Tuna

* Turbot

* Walleye

* Whitefish


* Alligator

* Anole

* Basilisk

* Box turtle

* Caecilian

* Chameleon

* Cobra

* Crocodile

* Gila monster

* Glass lizard

* Green iguana

* Hognose snake

* Komodo dragon

* Leatherback sea turtle

* Leopard gecko

* Lizard

* Milk snake

* Moccasin

* Newt

* Python

* Rattlesnake

* Red-eared slider

* Salamander

* Sea snake

* Skink

* Snake

* Terrapin

* Toad

* Tortoise

* Tuatara

* Turtle

* Viper

* Water moccasin


* African bullfrog

* American bullfrog

* Chinese giant salamander

* Eastern newt

* Fire-bellied toad

* Fowler's toad

* Gray tree frog

* Green frog

* Japanese fire belly newt

* Leopard frog

* Northern cricket frog

* Pickerel frog

* Red-eyed tree frog

* Southern leopard frog

* Spring peeper

* Tiger salamander

* Western toad


* Ant

* Aphid

* Bee

* Beetle

* Butterfly

* Centipede

* Cockroach

* Cricket

* Dragonfly

* Earwig

* Flea

* Fly

* Grasshopper

* Honeybee

* Ladybug

* Lacewing

* Leech

* Louse

* Mantis

* Mayfly

* Midge

* Mosquito

* Moth

* Praying mantis

* Roach

* Scorpion

* Silverfish

* Spider

* Termite

* Tick

* Wasp


* Black widow spider

* Brown recluse spider

* Daddy longlegs

* Hobo spider

* House spider

* Jumping spider

* Scorpion

* Tarantula

* Tick

* Wolf spider


* Clam

* Cuttlefish

* Mussel

* Octopus

* Oyster

* Scallop

* Sea slug

* Snail

* Squid


* Barnacle

* Crab

* Crayfish

* Lobster

* Prawn

* Shrimp


* Brittle star

* Coconut crab

* Conch

* Coral

* Crayfish

* Crab

* Echinoderm

* Hermit crab

* Horseshoe crab

* Jellyfish

* Lobster

* Octopus

* Oyster

* Prawn

* Sand dollar

* Sea cucumber

* Sea star

* Sea urchin

* Shrimp

* Snail

* Squid

Other invertebrates

* Earthworm

* Flatworm

* Leech

* Plankton

* Roundworm

* Segmented worm

* Tapeworm