What animals are native to Long Island?

Long Island is home to a wide variety of animals. Some of the most common native species include:

* White-tailed deer are the most common large mammals on Long Island. They are found in forests, fields, and even suburban areas.

* Raccoons are another common sight on Long Island. They are often found in wooded areas, but can also be found in urban areas.

* Eastern gray squirrels are found throughout Long Island. They are most commonly seen in hardwood forests, but can also be found in parks and suburban neighborhoods.

* Red foxes are found in a variety of habitats on Long Island, including forests, fields, and beaches.

* Coyotes are a relatively recent addition to Long Island's wildlife. They were first reported on the island in the 1930s, and have since become well-established.

* Harbor seals are found in the waters surrounding Long Island. They are often seen hauled out on rocks or sandbars, but can also be found swimming in the water.

* Grey whales are another common sight in the waters surrounding Long Island, during their migration.

In addition to these larger animals, Long Island is also home to a wide variety of smaller animals, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects.

Here is a more comprehensive list of some of the animals native to Long Island:

* Mammals:

* White-tailed deer

* Raccoons

* Eastern gray squirrels

* Red foxes

* Coyotes

* Eastern chipmunks

* Long-tailed weasels

* Mink

* Striped skunks

* Virginia opossums

* Harbor seals

* Gray whales

* Birds:

* Canada geese

* Mallard ducks

* American black ducks

* Wood ducks

* Ring-necked pheasants

* Mourning doves

* Rock pigeons

* Eastern screech-owls

* Great horned owls

* Red-tailed hawks

* Northern harriers

* Ospreys

* Bald eagles

* American kestrels

*Peregrine falcons

* Caspian terns

* Common terns

* Least terns

* Black skimmers

* Reptiles:

* Eastern box turtles

* Eastern garter snakes

* Northern water snakes

* Brown water snakes

* Black rat snakes

* Northern copperheads

* Timber rattlesnakes

* Amphibians:

* Eastern red-backed salamanders

* Northern two-lined salamanders

* American toads

* Fowler's toads

* Gray tree frogs

* Spring peepers

* Bullfrogs

* Fish:

* Striped bass

* Bluefish

* Fluke

* Weakfish

* Blackfish

* Porgy

* Scup

* Sea bass

* Winter flounder

* Summer flounder

* Insects:

* Monarch butterflies

* Painted lady butterflies

* Cabbage white butterflies

* Red admiral butterflies

* Eastern tiger swallowtail butterflies

* Black swallowtail butterflies

* Giant swallowtail butterflies

* Spicebush swallowtail butterflies

* Mourning cloak butterflies

* Viceroy butterflies

* Fritillary butterflies

* Checkered skipper butterflies

* Common buckeye butterflies

* Red-spotted purple butterflies

* Compton tortoise shell butterflies

* Milbert's tortoiseshell butterflies

* American painted lady butterflies

* Red-banded hairstreak butterflies

* Orange-headed hairstreak butterflies

* Coral hairstreak butterflies

* Bronze copper butterflies

* American copper butterflies

* Eastern tailed-blue butterflies

* Western tailed-blue butterflies

* Spring azure butterflies

* Summer azure butterflies

* Ceraunus blue butterflies

* Azure blue butterflies

* Karner blue butterflies

* Lupine blue butterflies

* Frosted elfin butterflies

* Henry's elfin butterflies

* Acadian hairstreak butterflies

* Edwards' hairstreak butterflies

* Banded hairstreak butterflies

* Gray hairstreak butterflies

* Oak hairstreak butterflies

* Hickory hairstreak butterflies

* Coral hairstreak butterflies

* Olive hairstreak butterflies

* Purple hairstreak butterflies

* Satyr butterflies

* Wood nymphs

* Little wood satyrs

* Appalachian brown butterflies

* Common ringlet butterflies

* Northern pearly eye butterflies

* Eyed brown butterflies

* Satyr butterflies

* Little wood satyrs

* Appalachian brown butterflies

* Common ringlet butterflies

*Northern pearly eye butterflies

* Eyed brown butterflies

* Hobomok skipperlings

* Tawny-edged skippers

* Juvenal's duskywings

* Mottled duskywings

* Wild indigo duskywings

* Sleepy duskies

* Southern cloudywings

* Northern cloudywings

* Hayhurst's scalewings

* Horace's duskies

* Long-tailed skippers

* Checkered skippers

* Zabulon skippers

* Delaware skippers

* Broad-winged skippers

* Orange skippers

* Southern skippers

* Dion skippers

* Dreamy duskywings

* Arctic skippers

* Least skippers

* European skippers

* Common checkered skipper

This list is by no means exhaustive, but it provides a glimpse of the wide variety of animals that call Long Island home.