What animals die from?

1. Old age

Old age is the most common cause of death in animals, just as it is in humans. As animals age, their bodies gradually wear out and they become more susceptible to disease. Some of the signs of old age in animals include:

- Graying fur

- Reduced activity levels

- Weight loss

- Difficulty eating or drinking

- Increased sleepiness

- Incontinence

- Health problems such as arthritis, cancer, and heart disease

2. Disease

Disease is another major cause of death in animals. There are many different types of diseases that can affect animals, some of which are contagious and others that are not. Some of the most common diseases that cause death in animals include:

- Rabies

- Distemper

- Parvovirus

- Feline leukemia

- Canine coronavirus

- Heartworm disease

- Lyme disease

- Leptospirosis

- Salmonellosis

3. Injury

Injuries are another common cause of death in animals. Animals can be injured in a variety of ways, such as:

- Car accidents

- Dog attacks

- Falls

- Fights with other animals

- Hunting accidents

- Industrial accidents

- Natural disasters

4. Predation

Predation is the act of one animal killing and eating another animal. Predators can include:

- Lions

- Tigers

- Bears

- Wolves

- Coyotes

- Foxes

- Eagles

- Hawks

- Owls

- Snakes

5. Starvation

Starvation is the act of dying from lack of food. Animals can starve to death for a variety of reasons, such as:

- Loss of habitat

- Competition from other animals

- Food shortages

- Drought

- Disease

6. Poisoning

Poisoning is the act of ingesting a substance that causes death. Animals can be poisoned by a variety of substances, such as:

- Pesticides

- Herbicides

- Cleaning products

- Antifreeze

- Rat poison

- Lead paint

- Mold

- Plants

7. Drowning

Drowning is the act of dying by suffocation in water. Animals can drown in a variety of bodies of water, such as:

- Lakes

- Rivers

- Oceans

- Swimming pools

- Bathtubs

- Toilets

8. Extreme weather

Extreme weather conditions can also cause death in animals. Some of the most dangerous weather conditions for animals include:

- Heat waves

- Cold spells

- Blizzards

- Hurricanes

- Tornadoes

- Floods

- Wildfires