Species extinction and loss of biodiversity: The rate of species extinction is alarmingly high, largely driven by human activities such as habitat destruction, poaching, overfishing, and climate change. The loss of biodiversity disrupts ecosystems and affects the survival of many animal species.
Overpopulation and homelessness: In many regions, there is a significant overpopulation of companion animals, leading to shelters overflowing with homeless pets. Lack of access to affordable spay and neuter programs, abandonment, and irresponsible breeding contribute to this problem.
Illegal wildlife trade: The illegal trade of wild animals and their products poses a serious threat to endangered species. This trade often involves poaching, smuggling, and exploitation for entertainment, traditional medicine, or decorative purposes.
Pollution and environmental degradation: Pollution, climate change, and the degradation of natural habitats negatively impact wildlife populations and the health of companion animals. Exposure to toxic substances, habitat loss, and disruptions in food chains pose serious threats.
Spread of diseases: The spread of infectious diseases can affect both domestic and wild animal populations. Some diseases can also be transmitted between animals and humans, raising public health concerns.