What are all the endangered animals in Alberta?

According to the Alberta Endangered Species Conservation Committee, there are currently 24 endangered animals in Alberta. These include:

- Swift Fox

- Northern Leopard Frog

- Western Grebe

- Trumpeter Swan

- Yellow-billed Cuckoo

- Whooping Crane

- Piping Plover

- Chestnut-collared Longspur

- Loggerhead Shrike

- Sprague's Pipit

- Baird's Sparrow

- LeConte's Sparrow

- Nelson's Sparrow

- Yellow-breasted Chat

- Prothonotary Warbler

- Canada Warbler

- Olive-sided Flycatcher

- Lewis's Woodpecker

- Northern Goshawk

- Wolverine

- Grizzly Bear

- Black-footed Ferret

- Woodland Caribou