How to Build a Broody Chicken Box

The first few days are crucial for chicks. They are susceptible to cold and must be kept close to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The construction of a good brooder box can make all the difference in the health of a chicken. A brooder box plan using a plastic storage container provides more stability than a cardboard box and is also less flammable.

Things You'll Need

  • 2-foot by 2-foot by 3-foot plastic storage container
  • 2-foot by 3-foot shelf-lining material.
  • Pinewood chips
  • Heat lamp
  • 250 watt bulb
  • Lids
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    • 1

      Place the 2-foot by 2-foot by 3-foot plastic container on a flat surface away from direct sunlight and drafts.

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      Line the container with the shelf liner material. Add pinewood chips the second week the chicks are in the brooder.

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      Clamp the heat lamp at one end of the container using clamp on the lamp. Install a 250 watt heat bulb, plug in the lamp and turn it on. The heat lamp should be only on one end so that the chicks can move away from it when hot, or to it, when cold.

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      Place a thermometer on the floor of the container under the heat lamp and adjust the heat lamp until it reads 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Raise the lamp 1 inch each week which will lower the temperature about 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Place lids with food and water in end of the brooder where the light is located. Supply chicks with fresh water and food daily.