How to Help a Hen With Egg Binding

A chicken becomes egg bound when the egg will not descend. This occurs for several reasons, including a chicken that is young, lacking in calcium, weak or because the egg is too large move past the pelvis. Symptoms of an egg-bound chicken include lethargy, swelling of the abdomen, fluffed feathers, straining to lay eggs and constipation. Treating the condition is possible at home and should be performed as quickly as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Wire cage
  • 2 boards
  • 2 saw horses or chairs
  • Large metal bowl
  • Hot water
  • Small water bowl
  • Thermometer
  • Sheet or blanket
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    • 1

      Set a wire cage on top of two boards that are suspended between saw horses. If saw horses are not available, set the ends of the two boards on top of kitchen chairs.

    • 2

      Place a wire cage on top of the two boards, paying attention that the bottom of the cage is well supported.

    • 3

      Set a large metal bowl filled with hot water underneath the wire cage. The water should be steaming hot, not boiling.

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      Place the hen inside of the cage and close the door. Set and fill a small water bowl inside the cage to provide the hen with adequate hydration. Place a thermometer inside of the cage and attempt to maintain a steady temperature of between 95 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit.

    • 5

      Drape a sheet or blanket over the cage. This will trap all of the steam inside the cage, making a moist environment that will help lubricate the hen's cloaca, allowing the egg to descend.

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      Allow the hen to remain inside the cage for one to two hours. Check on the chicken after the time has elapsed. If the chicken is feeling better and there is an egg present, remove the chicken. If the chicken is still exhibiting symptoms, take it immediately to the veterinarian.