How to Stop Calf Scours

Calf scours are basically diarrhea that occurs in calves between 5 and 21 days of age. The diarrhea can be caused by a number of things, including bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Stress on the calf is also a factor. Calves can die as the result of diarrhea. As with most illness, the best treatment is prevention. Keeping the calf's environment clean and making sure it receives adequate colostrum from its mother will help keep it from getting scours.

Things You'll Need

  • Calf bottle
  • Oral electrolyte solution
  • Heat lamp
  • Clean bedding
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      Give calves that are suffering from scours plenty of water with an electrolyte solution. Commercial solutions contain glucose and sodium, which allow the calves to absorb adequate water directly into their digestive tract. Most calves need to receive about 2 liters of electrolyte solution one to three times per day, but check the manufacturer's instructions for weight recommendations. Calves that die from scours usually die from dehydration, not the virus or bacteria itself.

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      Provide your calves with a clean, low-stress environment. This should be a shelter out of the wind and rain, out of drafts, and with heat if possible. Bedding should always be fresh and clean without mud, which can encourage bacteria to breed.

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      Clean up after your calf as often as possible. Keeping the bacteria or virus out of the pen will keep it from spreading to other calves and reinfecting calves that are ill.

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      Contact your veterinarian and see if antibiotics are necessary. If the scours are caused by a virus or a protozoan disease such as Coccidia or Cryptosporidia, then antibiotics will not help. A stool sample may be required to determine the cause.