How to Kill Flies Without Harm to Livestock

Where there's livestock, flies may not be far behind. They're dirty and more than a little annoying, so remove them without using chemicals that could damage your livestock. Non-toxic mixes will attract and kill flies; traps will keep them under control without hurting your livestock. Don't use more killing power than necessary -- flies aren't clever foes who will dodge your every trap. They're more likely to stumble into something simple that takes you three minutes to set up.

Things You'll Need

  • Fly tape
  • Pheromone fly trap
  • Electrocution lamp
  • Milk jug
  • 1/4 cup raw hamburger
  • Knife
  • Water
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      Put up fly tape near entry points in the livestock area.

      If there are windows, hang a piece of tape near each one. Flies will crash into the tape and become immobilized, eventually dying.

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      Purchase a conversion kit to turn a milk jug into a fly trap.

      Place the included pheromone and protein bait into the water at the base of the milk jug. Position the milk jug away from the livestock -- it will attract flies from up to 150 feet away. Check the type of flies the pheromones attract before you purchase the kit to be sure it's suitable for the flies you are trying to eradicate.

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      Hang electrocution lamps high above the heads of the livestock.

      Flies will die immediately on impact.

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      Put a bit of raw hamburger into a milk jug.

      Fill up the base of the jug with two inches of water. Cut a hole in the side of the jug with a knife so flies can enter more easily. Suspend it from the ceiling in an area where flies congregate. Flies will drown in the water; the corpses will attract other flies. It may smell after some time, so put it away from humans and livestock.