How to Trim Roosters' Spurs

When a rooster's spurs get too long, they can impede his ability to walk properly. A rooster kept for breeding should have his spurs trimmed regularly to minimize the amount of bodily injury his spurs can inflict on the hens in the flock. Spurs on a chicken are like fingernails on a human, and they never stop growing. Roosters use their spurs to fight off other roosters in the wild. Domesticated roosters don't need their spurs for survival.

Things You'll Need

  • Bath towel
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Small, fine-toothed, hacksaw
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    • 1

      Wrap the rooster in a towel so he can't flap his wings.

    • 2

      Measure each of his spurs with a ruler. Measure five-eighths inch from the base of the spur and place a pencil mark. Do this on both spurs.

    • 3

      Hold one leg and spur in your left hand. Cut the spur off at the pencil mark using a small, fine-toothed, hacksaw in your right hand. Cut the spur off the other leg in the same manner. Use light pressure and short strokes.