Trimming Methods for Misshapen Hooves

Many farm animals have hooves that need to be trimmed on a regular basis. If they are not properly maintained, or if the animal suffers from an illness or injury, the hooves can often become misshapen or deformed. This deformity can lead to lameness, illness and in the worst case scenario, death. Knowing trimming techniques for problem hooves is a must.
  1. Barefoot Trimming

    • A popular method for horses with problem hooves is the natural barefoot method. This method requires that any shoes be removed, and the horse allowed to naturally toughen and wear its feet down through use. This process has to be carefully monitored, especially at first, since the hooves will be more prone to problems at the early stages of this method. Consult with a professional before beginning this method.

    Hoof Nipping

    • In the case of goats and other cloven hoofed animals, it is imperative to keep the toes clipped and the insides of the hooves cleaned. The natural curl of the hoof will trap debris and bacteria inside, causing infection and other problems, and the animal will endure more and more pain until crippled. Using a pair of hoof-nippers and a hoof-knife on the hooves every eight weeks is important to the overall health and well-being of the animal.


    • Part of the proper trimming of a misshapen hoof is the removal of dead tissue and the forming of a new growth pattern for the healing tissue. A curved hoof knife can be employed to cut away diseased frog tissue, bacteria-infested cracks, and carve slopes that will realign weight distribution. They can also be used to cut into a crack, creating a hole and preventing splitting.

    The Strasser Method

    • A German veterinarian who studied hoof lameness for 20 years has developed an entire method for trimming malformed hooves. This process requires a Strasser-certified specialist and is very involved, requiring the animal's feet to be soaked daily, no exercise other than handwalking and housing on rubber mats. The idea is to completely reshape the hoof to a specified construct.