The Effects of Oatmeal on Baby Chickens

Oatmeal is a nutritious supplement that can be fed to baby chickens. The vitamins and minerals that oatmeal contains have positive effects on the health, growth and weight gain of the chickens. The oatmeal is typically slightly blended with other whole grains and used as a supplement in the baby chicken's diet.
  1. Nutrients

    • Oatmeal contains a number of B vitamins and other nutrients. B vitamins are the most important group of vitamins for poultry because of their growth requirements and egg production. Oatmeal contains the B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and choline. Oatmeal also contains the macromineral calcium and the micromineral iron. Other trace minerals in oatmeal include copper, magnesium, fluorine, zinc and manganese.


    • Proper growth and development for baby chickens depend on proper handling and a healthy diet. Oatmeal provides a number of the nutrients necessary for the growth and development. In addition, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farmers Bulletin states that baby chickens that receive a healthy amount of oats in their diet will grow stronger and healthier than baby chickens without the oats.


    • If you do not have starter feed, baby chickens can be fed a whole-grain mix that contains rice, wheat, barley or oats. The mix should contain four parts of cracked corn, two parts of broken wheat, two parts of oatmeal and two parts of granulated meat scrap. Use a blender to slightly blend these whole grains. The whole-grain feed should be somewhat gritty, so it is best if you do not blend the feed into a powder. If you do not have whole grains to use for feed, instant oatmeal, flaked infant cereal or whole-grain cereal can also be used.

    Feeding Schedule

    • Baby chickens should be fed a mix that includes oats or oatmeal at least five times daily until they are six weeks old. At six weeks, they can be fed four times daily. At eight weeks, the baby chickens can suffice on three feedings per day. Provide the chickens with enough feed. Baby chickens will stop eating once they have had enough. Consequently, the feed can be left with them at all times.