How to Keep Snakes Away From Duck Eggs

Snakes are known for being attracted to rodents and eggs. They can quickly steal and swallow duck eggs around your farm or home, and if you plan on utilizing these duck eggs as a source of food, you will want to ensure that snakes do not come around and eat them. There are a few ways to keep snakes away from your home and ensure that they do not wreak havoc on your duck eggs.


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      Ensure that you pick up your duck eggs as soon as possible. If they are not out and available for snakes to find, then you won't be luring the snakes in with fresh duck eggs on your property.

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      Keep some limes around your property. Limes are known to deter snakes, so just have them around the outer area of your property line to keep them out from your area. Another deterrent for snakes is the smell of tobacco, so spreading tobacco leaves on your property line will also keep them from coming near.

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      Keep plants and grass trimmed and cut. Snakes like to hide in tall grasses and bushes around property, so eliminate hiding spots by trimming these down and keeping your grass short.

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      Seal areas of your house and property where cracks and holes are found. These are places where snakes will hide and get through, so eliminating these as a way to find shelter on your property and enter will eliminate a snake problem.

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      Eliminate all hiding places, such as wood piles and rocks, where snakes tend to hide.