What Are the Causes of Stress in Animals?

Animals suffer from stress just like humans do, but humans deal with their stress differently than animals. There are several warning signs that animals may give to people. If you are aware of the symptoms of animal stress, you will be able to handle the situation, prevent the stress, and make sure your animals are happy and healthy.
  1. Stress

    • Just like humans, animals go through stress. Stress helps human and animal bodies deal with good or bad pressure. Stress occurs when chemicals are released to the blood in both animals and humans. Change is a huge factor in the cause of stress.


    • Different breeds of animals may have different signs of stress. Dogs may pace back and forth, shed and pant more than normally, tremble/shake, whine loudly, growl when people want to pick them up, nip/attempt to bite, decrease their playing, not eat, and hide. Cats may shed more than normally, not be as passionate, cling, and be listless.


    • Animals are sensitive and become attached to their surroundings and their owners or other animals in the family. According to lifepositive.com, conditions such as illnesses, travel, breeding, separation from owner, and the addition or loss of a family member or another household pet can cause stress in animals.