How Do I Treat Longhorn Cattle?

Texas Longhorns are extremely hardy cattle used on cattle ranches all over North America. This breed is prized for its good health, low requirements, friendly disposition, and high rate of uncomplicated calf births. As these cattle can adapt to any climate, they can be farmed anywhere no matter what the temperature. Longhorns also are less damaging to the environment as some other breeds of cattle because they feed on a wide range of plants rather than concentrating on one or two specific species. Longhorns are known for their natural immunity from illnesses to which other types of cattle are prone, such as screwworm.


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      Socialize the cattle. Ensure that the longhorn cattle are used to the presence of humans from a young age. Longhorns are known for being good-natured and easy to handle, although when left to be wild they are more likely to become dangerous to work with because of their large horns. Socialized cattle also will be easier to treat if they become ill.

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      Vaccinate the cattle to prevent illness. Ask a veterinarian for information on necessary vaccinations. This list will depend on the area the cattle are being raised.

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      Take safety precautions. Be cautious when attempting to treat a longhorn because the animal has large horns that can cause damage. Also be cautious around new mothers, which will try to protect their calves. Longhorns generally dislike dogs, keep them away. However, cattle can share pasture space with horses.