Excessive Thirst in Rabbits

If a rabbit begins drinking excessive amounts of water for no apparent reason, it's possible an illness is present and the rabbit is trying to flush its system or simply feels extra thirsty as a result of the health issue. There are many possible problems that increased thirst in rabbits might indicate. Or, a rabbit might drink extra water because of hotter temperatures. Regardless of the reason, make sure to keep fresh, clean water in the rabbits cage.
  1. Diabetes

    • Excessive thirst in animals can mean the onset of the diabetes. Dogs, cats, rabbits and other household pets can contract diabetes and kidney problems. PetMD states, "The average normal water intake for rabbits is 50-150 mL/kg body weight daily." If your rabbit is consuming significantly more than that, you might want to get it checked.


    • Female rabbits with an infection can also drink more water than normal. Infections can lead to more serious health concerns in rabbits. Have a vet check the bunny and make sure it isn't experiencing an ovary infection or another kind of infection.

    Kidney Stones

    • High calcium deposits that cause kidney stones can make a rabbit incontinent and unable to hold his or her urine. This can lead to a greater-than-normal water intake. A vet should analyze the rabbits urine and blood to determine if there are any issues with the kidneys.