How to Cure Diarrhea in Fawns

Fawns are often found lost and abandoned on private property, and well-meaning people want to provide these poor creatures with care. A common problem you are likely to find with an ill fawn is diarrhea. If not dealt with very quickly, a fawn can die from a bout of diarrhea. The reason being that she will dehydrate fast and not have any energy to survive. The most important factor in curing a fawn is to make sure she is drinking and retaining a lot of fluid.

Things You'll Need

  • Pepto Bismol
  • Pedialyte
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      Replace half of the fawn's milk bottles with bottles of water. Do this for several hours, and check the progress of the fawn's bowel movements.

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      Give the fawn 1 or 2 tbsp. of Pepto Bismol at two-hour intervals between bottle feedings.

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      Stop milk feedings entirely if the diarrhea persists. Start an electrolyte feeding routine of Pedialyte, and continue giving Pepto Bismol.

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      Collect a stool sample from the fawn if bowel movements aren't completely normal after a day of this treatment.

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      Bring the sample to a veterinarian as soon as possible to determine whether the fawn requires a course of antibiotics.