Problems With the Hooves in Donkeys

Donkey hooves are dense, compact and prone to certain problems without adequate care. The Nature of Animals website suggests regularly cleaning out your donkey's feet with a hoof pick, trimming the hooves at least every eight weeks, and keeping an eye out for a number of hoof problems that can crop up.
  1. Deformity

    • Donkey hooves can become deformed, making it difficult for them to walk. A few causes can be behind hoof deformities. Not trimming the hooves regularly and properly can lead to deformities, unless the donkey spends a substantial amount of time on very hard and rough terrain where he can wear his hooves down through wear.


    • The disease laminitis can also cause hoof deformity. This disease also makes the donkey's feet hot and painful. The donkey may refuse to move or lean back on his back feet to relieve pressure on his front feet. One more cause behind deformities, although a rare cause, is insufficient zinc or sulfur in the donkey's diet.

    Dry Hooves

    • Of course donkeys need water to survive, but they also need it to keep their hooves flexible. Dry hooves will not be able to expand properly when a donkey walks, which also means the hooves cannot properly absorb shock. Dry hooves also impede the donkey's blood circulation and, in turn, new hoof growth.

    Seedy Toe

    • Seedy toe is a condition where dirt, small rocks and other debris get stuck in open spaces beneath the hoof. The spaces can also be a breeding ground for bacteria. Open spaces come about if your donkey's hooves are overgrown or improperly trimmed. It can also be result of laminitis's deformities that create open areas. Get rid of seedy toe by properly trimming the hoof, making sure your donkey gets plenty of exercise each day to promote new hoof growth. The Natural Hoof website recommends donkeys walk the equivalent of at least 9 miles per day. You can also soak infected seedy toe areas in water with a dash of cider vinegar to kill any bacteria, according to the Natural Hoof site.

    White Line Disease

    • White line disease is a condition identified by a white line down the hoof. In extreme cases, the white line can separate, making the outer part of the hoof wall chip or break off. Inadequate vitamins in the donkey's diet often causes this condition, as can infections on the bottom of the donkey's feet.