Drugs for Mange in Cattle

There are many parasites that affect the health and growth rates of cattle. Cattle mange can cut down on the grazing time of cattle, therefore reducing the rate of weight gain and overall profitability. There are four different cattle mange infestations: psoroptic mange, chorioptic mange, demodectic and sarcoptic mange. According to researchers at Washington State University, psoroptic and sarcoptic mange has seen an increase in infectious rates in cattle from the late 1990s through 2010. Many states require that mange cases be reported to the State Veterinarian. Mange drug treatment is necessary. There are several different drugs available on the market to treat and prevent mange.
  1. Ivermectin

    • Ivermectin is the most widely used broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drug in the world. It is used to treat demodectic mange, sarcoptic mange, intestinal worms and mites. Ivermectin is available under the brand names Ivomec for Cattle &Swine Injection, Agri-mectin Injection for Cattle &Swine and Dectomax Injectable and Agri-mectin Pour-on.


    • Deltamethrine is the strongest synthetic pyrethroid available, offering broad spectrum control. As it is fully biodegradable, it offers little environmental damage and is often considered appropriate for organic usage. It is applied as a topical treatment. It is not effective against eggs, so reapplication is required. It can be used in dairy cattle with a withdrawal period of 14 days. The withdrawal period for meat production is six days. It can be found under the brand name Spot On by Schering-Plough.


    • Moxidectin is a drug of the avermectin group; however, it is the only drug in the group that is acceptable under organic standards. It is available in both a topical and injectable form. There is no withdrawal period when used in a pour-on application. If injected, the withdrawal period is 90 days. It is also known to be effective against lice, roundworms, horn flies and mites. Brand names include Cydectin by Fort Dodge. When injected, it is less effective against chorioptic mange, however it is effective against psoroptic mange in both applications.


    • A derivative of Ivermectin, doramectin is available in an injectable or topical treatment for roundworms, grubs, lungworms lice, psoroptic mange and sarcoptic mange. It can be used in beef cattle, including pregnant cows, calves and bulls. Doramectin is found under the brand name Dectomax.