Uses of Probiotics in Cattle & Poultry

Probiotics are given to cattle and poultry to replace the healthy bacteria that antibiotics also given to the animals before slaughter have killed. The probiotics help the animals digest feed properly. Studies are also being done that prove probiotics aid in animal growth.
  1. Probiotics and Cattle

    • According to, health problems cattle were treated with antibiotics that kill the healthy bacteria (probiotics and prebiotics) in the gastrointestinal system. The cow then starved to death because food didn't digest it properly.

    Becoming the Standard

    • claims that cattle are now given probiotics as a standard to fight the negative effects of antibiotics.


    • Science Links says probiotics are used for diarrhea prevention, to increase the size of cattle, to boost the immune system, development of calves and improvement of nutrition.


    • According to intestinal microecology consultant Roy Fuller, under the right conditions probiotics can have beneficial effects on growth rate, feed conversion and resistance to disease. However, Fuller warns, few field trials have taken place, so the results are variable and therefore, not substantial.

    Poultry and Probiotics

    • According to a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Science, probiotics are used to prevent bacterial diseases in poultry caused by an immunity to antibiotics.