How to Get Rid of Poultry Sticktight Fleas

Sticktight fleas are the smallest fleas that are found on animals. Although sticktight fleas are not known to transmit any diseases, they can, over time, be the catalyst for anemia in animals. Only the females attach themselves to animals by their mouth parts and live as a parasite, sucking the blood from the animal in order to sustain itself after mating. The females will then lay their eggs on the ground where males and other incubating larvae remain until they emerge, mate and find a host of their own. Sticktight flea infestations must be dealt with immediately.

Things You'll Need

  • Flea shampoo
  • Tweezers
  • Sevin or other insecticide
  • Fresh bedding
  • Systemic oral flea treatment (optional)
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      Wash all poultry animals with the flea shampoo.

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      Remove all sticktight fleas with tweezers. Even though the shampoo will kill the fleas, they will remain attached until removed.

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      Put cleansed poultry in a different environment.

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      Remove all bedding in the poultry environment. Rake up everything and burn it or throw away. Sweep out housing.

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      Spray insecticide throughout and around the environment.

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      Allow a few hours for the environment to dry before replacing bedding and food and water.

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      Put the poultry animals back into their original environment.

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      Give the animals a systemic oral flea treatment as prescribed by your veterinarian.