Herbal Cure for Warts on Goats

Warts are a common problem for goats. A wart is the result of a viral infection of the skin and are contagious. Chemical treatments can be expensive and toxic for your goat. There are several natural herbal remedies to consider that will fight warts both internally and externally. People have used herbs for centuries and they do not have the harsh side effects conventional medicines might have.
  1. Immune System

    • Boost your goat̵7;s immune system to help him fight the warts from the inside out. Viruses are the cause behind warts so the stronger your goat̵7;s immune system is the better he can fight the virus. Feed your goat alfalfa hay. Alfalfa cleanses the blood stream and helps your goat absorb more nutrients and minerals from his feed and any supplements you give him. Rose hips and garlic can be crushed and added to your goat's feed daily. Both rose hips and garlic aid in fighting off infection and kill parasites. Gather rose hips from any rose bush either wild or domestic. The rose hip is the red seed bud left behind after the flower falls away. Another great immune building herb is echinacea. Echinacea is also known as purple coneflower. You can purchase it in powder form or gather it yourself. The root is used. Feed your goat one ounce of dried echinacea root per day to give the immune system a boost.

    Topical Treatments

    • In addition to boosting your goat̵7;s immune system, you can use several herbal treatments directly on the wart. Tea tree oil is widely available. Use a cotton swab to apply the oil directly to the wart three to four times a day. Another option is to make a poultice out of garlic and lemon juice. Crush two or three cloves garlic and mix it with one tsp. lemon juice. Apply this poultice to the wart two times a day. The garlic will fight the virus while the lemon juice will dissolve the wart. You can alternate the treatments by the day. Use tea tree oil on day one then the garlic and lemon juice on day two and so forth.