Poultry Roundworm Treatment

Roundworms are one of the most common parasites affecting chickens and turkeys. Severe roundworm infections can kill birds. If a bird in a flock is infected with roundworms, most likely the whole flock is infected and should be treated as well.
  1. Description

    • Adult roundworms are about one and a half to three inches long and the size of an ordinary pencil lead. There are many different types of roundworms that infect poultry, but they are diagnosed and treated the same way.


    • Birds may have diarrhea and are usually thin, with poor feather quality (dark or dull, or poorly colored).


    • Wazine (Piperazine) and Purina Liquid Dewormer (Piperazine) are the only drugs labeled for use against roundworms in poultry; however, these cannot be used with laying hens. Both medications can be administered individually, or in the drinking water for the flock.

    Waiting Periods

    • There is a waiting period of 14 days before eating or selling birds treated with Wazine. There is no waiting period for birds treated with Purina Liquid Dewormer.


    • Birds become infected with roundworms when they eat feces or something contaminated by feces, including drinking water. Keep common feeding areas clean.