Calf Feeding Tips & Nutrition

Rearing calves can be a challenging process, so pay special attention to the means by which you feed your calves. They have specific nutritional requirements and there are a few effective feeding systems for calves that you must understand to properly raise the calves.
  1. Pail Rearing and Machine Feeding

    • Initially, a calf will feed from its mother's nipple. Shortly thereafter, you need to train it to become comfortable feeding from a pail. Training involves penning calves away from their mothers for about four to six days and feeding them exclusively through the pail method. Regularly check the calf during this time period to ensure that it is properly feeding and it does not have any signs of illness.

      Machine feeding is a cost-effective and more time-efficient feeding method. Machine feeding involves housing calf groups of up to 30 in one place and having an automatic feeder provide them with liquid food. The pens should have automatic filling water bowls, and the minimum space required for each calf is 20 square feet. This ensures that there is not urine buildup within the pen. Make sure to routinely clean the pen to prevent from infection.

    Calf Hutches

    • Hutches are small enclosures that typically only house a few calves at a time. They are set up outdoors and have the advantage of being easily moved and cleaned. Make sure that there is rock underneath the hutch to allow for adequate urine drainage. Keep the hutches away from areas that have high wind patterns. Make sure to put straw bedding in the hutch as well, replenishing the bedding every five to seven days. Do not allow the bedding to become damp because this increases the likelihood of causing illness among the calves.

    Calf Nutrition

    • The best feed for calves is a "milk replacer," which is made from milk byproducts. It is much cheaper than whole milk and tends to have a longer lifespan. If you add egg protein (the whites) to the milk replacer, it is much better for the calves. Alternatively, if you are not as worried about cost, you can create a liquid diet that involves whole milk. Another important nutritional tip for feeding calves is to provide them with a high electrolyte drinking solution. High electrolytes are helpful in the raising process and helps maintain the calves' health.