What Are the Causes of Diarrhea in Chickens?

Diarrhea in chickens is generally a symptom of a larger disease or condition that requires treatment. The disease may be contagious or infectious, so isolate the sick chicken and employ a regimen of good housekeeping in the chicken house.
  1. Internal Parasitic Diseases

    • Diarrhea can indicate an internal parasitic disease such as the presence of ascarids, large intestinal roundworms.

    Respiratory Diseases

    • Diarrhea can indicate respiratory diseases such as Newcastle disease, avian influenza, infectious coryza, laryngotracheitis and mycoplasma gallisepticum.

    Nonrespiratory Viral Diseases

    • Diarrhea can be a sign of nonrespiratory viral diseases such as Marek's disease, lymphoid leukosis, equine encephalitis and egg drop syndrome.

    Nonrespiratory Bacterial Diseases

    • Diarrhea can be a symptom of nonrespiratory bacterial diseases such as fowl cholera, pullorum, necrotic enteritis and staphylococcus.

    Protozoan Diseases

    • Some protozoan diseases, such as coccidiosis and blackhead, cause diarrhea.