Directions for Mixing Copper Sulfate Foot Baths

Copper sulfate is used in disinfectant foot baths for hoofed animals. It is one of the preferred treatments for foot rot in sheep and cattle and has been used by stockmen for centuries.
  1. Copper Sulfate for Sheep

    • A 10 percent solution of copper sulfate is recommended for sheep by the Virginia Extension Office. This is approximately 16 pounds of copper sulfate for every 20 gallons of water. The copper sulfate will dissolve more easily if the water is hot when the solution is mixed. Vinegar can also be added to facilitate dissolving of the copper sulfate.

      It is recommended that the sheep hooves remain in contact with the copper sulfate solution for 30 to 60 minutes.

      Caution is urged as copper is toxic to sheep. The foot bath mixture should be watched so none of the flock attempts to drink from it. The solution will also stain the wool it comes in contact with.

    Copper Sulfate for Cattle

    • A 5 percent copper sulfate solution is recommended for cattle by the North Dakota State University Extension Office. A 4-inch-deep bath of the solution should be placed where the cattle will walk through it several times per day.

      For cattlemen not wanting to use a wet copper sulfate foot bath, a dry mixture of one part copper sulfate and nine parts hydrated lime can be made. The dry mixture is also placed where the cattle will walk through it several times per day.

      Copper sulfate is a corrosive substance even in solution with water. The use of non-metal tubs is suggested for the foot baths.