Equine Homeopathic Remedies

Horses are no different from humans when it comes to experiencing aches and pains and contracting colds and viruses. Unfortunately for horses, it often is impractical to take them to the doctor who may only prescribe rest and time or harmful drugs. Many horses don't have the luxury of taking a few weeks off and recuperating. So what can we do as owners to take care of our precious equine friends to prevent illness or treat a minor sprain at home? The answer lies in homeopathy.
  1. History

    • The very same herbal supplements that we use to improve our everyday lives can also help our horses to ward off unwanted illnesses and injuries. The trick is to know which herbs you can use and which ones are toxic. Horses have sought out herbal remedies long before they were ever domesticated by man, finding and consuming plants that will help them feel better or keep them healthy. It is important that you only purchase homeopathic remedies that are formulated for use with horses as these contain the correct dosage information.

    Common Homeopathic Remedies

    • Garlic is used to speed healing in several different manners. The oils from the bulb can be extracted and applied to superficial wounds. Lavender has calming properties and you can give it to your horse before a particularly stressful show event or trip or after a hard workout. Rosemary is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps a horse heal after a sprain or strain; as a plus, horses love the taste. You can also reverse mineral deficiencies by feeding your horse seaweed--use gels instead of dried preparations to avoid iodine toxicity. Dandelions help with liver or kidney deficiencies. More specifically, the leaves of the weed are a natural diuretic and the root helps heal the liver. And, don't forget about the healing properties of aloe vera when it comes to burns, scrapes and cuts.


    • One word of caution when deciding to use homeopathic treatments on your horse. Herbal supplements, just like other medications, can produce unwanted side effects. Make sure that the product you use comes from a quality health food store and that you fully research each remedy before you use it. Always follow the instructions printed on the label of the supplement and only use those that are intended for horses. This ensures that you are not unnecessarily putting your horse in danger.