How to Pick Chicken That's Organic and Humanely Raised

Selecting an organic and humanely raised chicken from the local grocer may seem simple enough, but there are some key terms to look for. As natural foods are growing more and more popular, manufacturers try to put information on the labels to entice conscientious shoppers. Not all of this information is perfectly legit. Knowing what to look for on the packaging will allow you to make a selection with confidence.


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      Look for more information than the simple label of "natural." Ultimately, all chickens are natural, so this description can be deceiving. Read the label carefully. Look for terms like "antibiotic-free" and "certified humane." For a chicken to be certified humane, it must not have antibiotics or chemicals administered unless the chicken's health is compromised.

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      Look for chicken that is marked as "organic." Organic means that the chickens were not fed growth hormones to beef them up before slaughtering. It also means that the diet of the chicken was all-natural, vegetable-based materials.

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      Try to find chicken packages that indicate the chickens are "free-range." This means that the chickens were allowed outdoor access. They were not locked in a cage at all times. They also have a living area of at least 2 square feet all their own.

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      Try to purchase chicken that has as many of these indicators as possible. By combining them, the chances of the chicken being organic and humanely treated rise considerably.