How to Online Veterinary Advice

The Internet isn’t just for the betterment of yourself, it can also be used to help your pets and farm animals. Since pets can’t tell us what’s wrong with them, it can be scary when they get sick. We aren’t as familiar with pet illnesses as we are with our own illnesses. Taking the pet to the vet can be expensive, and you may just find out that nothing is wrong. Looking online for veterinary advice takes a lot of the guessing out of your pet’s health care. Read on to learn how to get online veterinary advice.


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      Notice if your pet is acting strange. Perhaps it seems lazy or listless. Maybe it won’t leave a certain area or it is having trouble eating. For dogs, a dry nose is a good sign that it is under the weather. Also take note if your dog or cat is eating lots of grass.

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      Be absolutely sure that your pet’s condition is abnormal. For instance, if you’ve just spent the day running around the park with your dog and he or she seems tired or listless for the rest of the night, it’s probably just because the dog is tired. It’s bad enough when humans make hypochondriacs out of themselves. We don’t need to be doing it to our pets too.

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      Go to the Ask Vet Advice website or a similar site. Read through the advice on the page and apply it to your pet. Since you have already evaluated your pet's condition in Steps 1 and 2, you probably have a good idea what may be the problem. Perhaps you don’t know exactly what’s wrong, but you at least have some symptoms that will point you in the right direction.

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      Check that you are looking at all the correct information. Different conditions can be spelled very similarly in veterinary science. Take your time when looking up online veterinary advice, so you can make sure you are getting the correct information.

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      Get a second opinion. Look at other veterinary science websites to see if they say the same thing as the others you have looked at. Also, understand that some symptoms like a runny nose can be a symptom for many different medical conditions.

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      Take your pet to the vet if something is truly wrong. While online diagnosis is helpful to pinpoint your pet’s illness, home treatment is not advised. You can cause serious and potentially fatal damage if you decide to play doctor with your pets.