How to Get Rid of Chicken Mites

Poultry fowl are susceptible to a number of parasites, including both lice and mites. The Chicken Mite, also known as the Red Roost Mite, feeds on the blood of the birds while they rest in the coop at night. By day these mites hide within the coop. For this reason, you must treat the coop, not the birds, to get rid of chicken mites.


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      Purchase a commercial poultry parasite treatment. There are a number to choose from, such as Permectrin, Ravap or Rabon. You can find them at any farm supply store or purchase online.

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      Shoo the birds out of the coop. Remove all food and water.

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      Clean the coop thoroughly. Muck feces; remove and discard all old bedding.

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      Mix the parasite treatment according to the directions on the container. Follow the directions carefully, as these are chemical treatments that can have negative side effects to both humans and poultry if misused.

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      Treat the entire coop interior. Remember to get the roof, the underside of nesting boxes and roosting bars. Force the product into every crack and crevice--chicken mites can hide in minuscule places.

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      Rinse if applicable (read product directions) and allow the coop to air dry. Fill nesting boxes with fresh bedding before allowing chickens back in to roost.

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      Discard old food and water. Wash all dishes in a mild mixture of vinegar and water. Rinse well, refill and place back into the coop.