How to Give First Aid to Pets

This article will teach a person the basics on how to save a furry loved one, the family pet.


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      Check the dog's or cat's airway by gently tapping the animal and calling their name to see if they move. Lean close to the animal, being careful not to get scratched or bitten. At this point look, listen and feel for breathing.

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      Breathing. If your pet is not breathing, pull the tongue of your dog or cat, just a little bit, close the mouth and tilt their head just a little to open their airway. From your mouth give them 4 or 5 breaths from your mouth to their nose. This is called mouth-to-snout resuscitation. Make sure to give just enough air to make the animal's chest rise. Cats need less air than big dogs and they need more than little dogs. Always remember not to give too much air or you risk hurting your pet.

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      Circulation. See if your pet's heart is working OK. To do this, check for a heart beat, or a pulse. The best place to find a pulse point on a dog is the inside of the rear leg, towards the top of the leg. This is called the femoral pulse. To find the pulse on a cat, check the outside of the left front leg, just behind the shoulder. This is called an apical pulse.

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      CPR: (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). For dog owners, place your pet on the ground or other hard surface with its right side down. Bend the front leg at the elbow, rotating at the shoulder. The point where the elbow of the dog touches the body is where you place your hands for compressions. Clasp your hands one on top of the other, locking your fingers together. Lock your elbows and start performing compressions. Push about 2 to 3 inches deep. Give compressions first, then a breath. Check for a pulse after 1 minute. Repeat if there's no response.

      Use these guidelines based on the size of the animal:

      Giant Dogs = Give 1 breath every 10 compressions.
      Medium to large dogs = Give 1 breath every 5 compressions.
      Small Dogs = Give 1 breath every 5 compressions.
      Cats or really small dogs = The animal should be placed flat on the ground. Place your hands on either side of the animal's chest, right behind the shoulder blades with your palms over the heart, (holding the animal's chest in both hands). Compress about 1/2 to 1 inch deep. After 1 minute, check for a pulse again. Cats or really small dogs should get 1 breath every 3 compressions.