How to Raise Guinea Fowl

Most farmers raise guinea fowl for the purpose of insect control. They also make really good watch dogs by sounding an alarm whenever they are disturbed. Guinea fowl are useful for snake and rodent control and will actually kill a snake if threatened. Because of their independent and wild nature, guinea fowl are an easy addition to any farm.

Things You'll Need

  • Guinea fowl eggs
  • Incubator or setting hens
  • High protein starter food
  • Brooding pen
  • Lots of space to roam
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      Order guinea eggs from a reliable hatchery. Eggs usually arrive between 10 and 11 days of ordering depending on location.

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      Use a regular setting hen to incubate eggs or any kind of incubator. The incubation period for guinea eggs is between 26 to 28 days.

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      Brood chicks at 95 degrees for the first seven days and decrease by five degrees each week. Keep them warm and dry while brooding.

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      Feed high protein starter food. Give keets only warm water to drink.

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      Give birds plenty of room if they are confined outside for any length of time and at least 2 to 3 square feet per bird while inside.

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      Let roam freely after reaching adulthood. This is especially true if guineas are being used for insect control. They will need a supply of clean drinking water. Use supplemental mash and seed if you want them to stay closer to home.