How to Vaccinate a Donkey

Donkeys are working farm animals and need routine veterinary care just as horses do. Donkeys must be vaccinated regularly to stay healthy and prevent diseases. Learn how to vaccinate a donkey by following these steps.


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      Determine what you are using your donkey for. Depending on travel and other animals, different vaccines may be needed. Donkeys traveling to shows must have certain vaccinations required by that state and the show grounds.

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      Give vaccinations in early spring and summer. All donkeys should get a three-way shot containing protection against Eastern and Western encephalomyelitis and tetanus. The three-way shot should be given in a series of two vaccinations, four weeks apart for the first vaccination only. After this the donkey needs the shot yearly.

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      Take the needs of pregnant and breeding donkeys into consideration when vaccinating. Pregnant donkeys require the three-way shot along with a rhinopnemotis flu vaccine. The rhino vaccination is only effective for two months and should be repeated. Pneumabort K vaccines should be given in the fifth, seventh and ninth month of gestation to completely protect the pregnant mare and unborn foal.

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      Talk to your veterinarian about any disease outbreaks in your area that may be harmful to donkeys. Your veterinarian can let you know what other vaccines are required by your state or area to keep your donkey safe and healthy.