Where Animal having high protection prospects are?

Protected areas: These are designated areas of land or sea that are managed to conserve wildlife. They include national parks, wildlife refuges, marine protected areas, and private conservation areas.

Endangered species listings: These are lists of species that are at risk of extinction and are given legal protection. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) maintains the Red List of Threatened Species, which is the most comprehensive global inventory of the conservation status of plant and animal species.

Habitat conservation plans: These are plans developed by landowners and government agencies to protect the habitat of endangered species on private land.

Species recovery plans: These are plans developed by government agencies and conservation organizations to recover endangered species.

Captive breeding programs: These programs involve the breeding of endangered species in captivity in order to increase their population size.

Translocation programs: These programs involve the movement of endangered species from one area to another in order to increase their population size or to establish new populations.

Public awareness campaigns: These campaigns are designed to educate the public about endangered species and the threats they face, and to encourage people to take action to protect them.