1. Tree Bark: Beavers are particularly fond of the bark of certain tree species, including aspen, cottonwood, willow, maple, and birch. They use their sharp incisor teeth to strip the bark off the trees.
2. Twigs and Stems: Beavers also eat the twigs, stems, and branches of various plants. They often cut down small trees and shrubs to obtain these food items.
3. Leaves: Beavers consume the leaves of aquatic plants, trees, and shrubs. They may dive underwater to reach submerged leaves or climb trees to access leaves higher up.
4. Buds: Beavers eat the buds of trees and shrubs. During the spring season, buds provide them with a nutritious source of food as plants start to grow new shoots.
5. Aquatic Plants: Beavers living near bodies of water may also consume aquatic plants such as cattails, pondweeds, and water lilies. They may dive or wade into the water to reach these plants.
6. Fruits and Nuts: Some beaver populations may also eat fruits and nuts when available. However, these items make up a smaller part of their diet compared to bark and woody materials.
It's important to note that beavers are selective feeders and may have specific preferences for certain plant species based on their availability and nutritional value. Their diet can vary depending on the region and the local flora.