Do white tail deer want to eat choke cherry tree?

Yes, white-tailed deer do eat choke cherry trees.

While they prefer other foods, like clover and alfalfa, choke cherry is a browse plant, meaning it's part of their diet when other options are scarce. They'll eat the leaves, twigs, and even the fruit.

Here's why:

* Nutritional Value: Choke cherries contain some protein, carbohydrates, and other nutrients, making them a decent source of energy for deer.

* Availability: They are widely available in many areas where deer live.

* Lack of Other Options: During times of food scarcity, deer will turn to browsing plants like choke cherry to survive.

However, it's important to note that choke cherries contain a substance called cyanide. In small doses, it's not harmful to deer, but consuming large quantities can lead to poisoning.

So, while deer will eat choke cherry trees, they don't consider them a top choice, and they will usually only eat them when other food options are limited.