What kind of animals does a roadrunner eat?

Roadrunners are opportunistic carnivores, which means they'll eat whatever they can catch! Their diet includes a wide variety of prey, but some of their favorites are:

* Insects: Grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, ants, spiders

* Lizards: Whiptails, horned lizards, fence lizards

* Small snakes: Garter snakes, rattlesnakes (if they're small enough)

* Small rodents: Mice, voles, rats

* Birds: Young birds, eggs, hatchlings (they'll even raid nests!)

* Other small animals: Scorpions, centipedes, tarantulas, frogs, toads

They're also known to scavenge on roadkill and even eat the occasional fruit or seed. They are very skilled hunters and have been known to use their long legs to chase down prey!