* Deer and Elk: These herbivores browse on white pine needles, especially in winter when other food is scarce.
* Squirrels: Squirrels will eat the seeds from white pine cones.
* Mice and Voles: These small rodents also feed on the seeds and occasionally nibble on the bark.
* Porcupines: Porcupines are known to strip the bark from white pine trees, especially in winter.
* Rabbits: While not as common as other animals, rabbits will sometimes nibble on the bark and twigs of young white pines.
* White Pine Weevil: This insect attacks the leader bud, which can cause the tree to become deformed.
* Pine Sawflies: Larvae of these insects feed on the needles, causing significant damage to the tree.
* White Pine Aphids: These tiny insects suck sap from the needles, causing them to become yellow and drop.
* Pine Bark Beetles: These insects burrow beneath the bark, killing the tree by disrupting its ability to transport water and nutrients.
* Crossbills: These birds are adapted to extract seeds from pine cones, often favoring white pine.
* Red-breasted Nuthatches: They will eat insects and occasionally seeds found on white pine trees.
* Chickadees: They are known to pick off insects and occasionally nibble on seeds from pine cones.
It's important to remember that the specific animals that eat white pine can vary depending on the location, the age of the tree, and the availability of other food sources.