* Humans: We are the most well-known omnivores.
* Pigs: They eat everything from vegetables to insects.
* Bears: Bears are opportunistic eaters and will consume both meat and plants depending on availability.
* Raccoons: Known for their scavenging habits, raccoons eat a variety of food, including fruits, nuts, insects, and small animals.
* Rats: They are adaptable feeders and will consume a wide range of food, including seeds, grains, insects, and meat.
* Squirrels: They mainly eat nuts and seeds, but will also eat insects, eggs, and small animals.
* Opossums: They are opportunistic scavengers and will eat just about anything, including fruits, vegetables, insects, and carrion.
* Foxes: They are carnivores but will also eat fruits, berries, and vegetables.
* Chickens: Chickens primarily eat grains and seeds, but will also eat insects and small animals.
* Roosters: Similar to chickens, roosters consume grains and seeds, but also insects and small animals.
* Crows: They are highly adaptable and will eat a wide range of food, including insects, fruits, seeds, and carrion.
* Ravens: Similar to crows, ravens are omnivorous and eat a diverse diet.
* Hawks: Hawks are primarily carnivores, but some species will occasionally eat fruit and vegetables.
* Lizards: Many lizard species are omnivores and will consume both insects and plants.
* Piranhas: While primarily carnivorous, piranhas will also eat fruits and seeds that fall into the water.
* Cockroaches: They eat a variety of organic matter, including food scraps, plants, and decaying animals.
This is just a small sample of the many omnivorous animals found in nature. The diet of an omnivore can vary depending on their environment, availability of food, and individual preferences.