What animals eat yarrow?

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a pretty tough plant with a strong aroma, and many animals find it unappealing. This is partly due to its bitter taste and pungent scent.

However, some animals do eat yarrow, often in small amounts or when other food options are scarce:


* Rabbits: Known for their varied diet, rabbits might nibble on yarrow occasionally, but it's not a preferred food source.

* Deer: Deer might browse yarrow if they're desperate for food, but they generally avoid it.

* Cattle and sheep: Occasionally graze on yarrow but are not known to eat it in large amounts.

* Goats: Can be more tolerant of yarrow than other livestock but prefer other plants.


* Caterpillars: Some moth and butterfly caterpillars feed on yarrow leaves, but these are not typically considered significant pests.

* Aphids: Yarrow can be susceptible to aphid infestations.


* Birds: While not known to eat the plant itself, birds sometimes use yarrow stems for nesting materials.

It's important to note that while some animals may consume yarrow, it's generally not considered a primary food source.

Yarrow's medicinal properties might also play a role in deterring animals, as it contains compounds that can be toxic in large doses.

If you're concerned about your garden plants, it's always best to consult with a local expert or a plant specialist.