What animals feed on dead they find?

Animals that feed on dead animals are called scavengers. Here are some examples:


* Vultures: These are some of the most well-known scavengers. They have strong beaks and stomachs that can break down tough meat and bones.

* Crows and ravens: These birds are opportunistic eaters and will scavenge for carrion when available.

* Kea: These parrots from New Zealand are known for their scavenging behavior, especially on sheep carcasses.


* Hyenas: These social carnivores are highly efficient scavengers and often steal kills from other predators.

* Coyotes: These opportunistic omnivores will scavenge for dead animals, especially in urban areas.

* Foxes: Both red foxes and grey foxes are known to scavenge, especially in areas with limited prey.

* Bears: Some species of bears, like black bears, are omnivores and will scavenge for carrion when food is scarce.

* Rodents: Rats and mice are often seen scavenging for scraps and dead animals.


* Blowflies: These flies are attracted to dead animals and lay their eggs on the carcass. The larvae (maggots) then feed on the flesh.

* Beetles: Many species of beetles, like carrion beetles, are scavengers and will feed on dead animals.

Other Animals:

* Crabs: Some crabs are opportunistic scavengers and will feed on dead fish and other marine life.

* Snails: Some snails are scavengers and will feed on decaying plant and animal matter.

It's important to note that some animals may be primarily scavengers, while others are more opportunistic and will scavenge only when other food sources are limited.