* Lizards: Many lizards, especially insectivores, are big fans of live crickets. Examples include bearded dragons, leopard geckos, anoles, and even some larger monitor lizards.
* Snakes: Some snakes, especially young ones and smaller species, will happily eat live crickets as part of their diet.
* Frogs: Many frogs, especially tree frogs and dart frogs, are insectivores and enjoy crickets.
* Salamanders: Some salamanders, like axolotls and newts, will also eat crickets.
* Insectivores: Birds like robins, sparrows, bluebirds, and other songbirds often include crickets in their diet.
* Parrots: Some parrots, like cockatiels and conures, enjoy crickets as a treat.
* Rodents: Hamsters, gerbils, and other rodents sometimes enjoy crickets as an occasional treat.
* Bats: Insectivorous bats often feed on crickets in the wild.
* Other insectivores: Small mammals like shrews and moles may also prey on crickets.
* Praying Mantises: These amazing hunters are known to eat crickets, and sometimes even larger prey!
* Scorpions: Scorpions, like other arachnids, are carnivorous and will happily feast on crickets.
* Fish: Certain fish, such as some catfish and cichlids, will eat crickets in an aquarium setting.
It's important to note that the size and type of cricket offered should be appropriate for the animal's size and eating habits.