Why do animals eat and plants dont?

That's a great question! It's actually not entirely accurate to say that plants don't "eat". Here's why:

* Plants make their own food: Plants are autotrophs, meaning they can create their own food through a process called photosynthesis. They use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce sugars (energy) that they need to grow and survive.

* Animals eat to get energy: Animals are heterotrophs, meaning they rely on consuming other organisms (plants or other animals) to obtain the energy and nutrients they need.

In essence, both animals and plants need energy to survive. The difference lies in how they acquire it.

Here's a simplified explanation:

* Plants: Sunlight + water + carbon dioxide = food (sugars)

* Animals: Eating plants or other animals = food (sugars and other nutrients)

Let me know if you'd like to explore this further!